July 11, 2010


this is the sample of speech about KUMPULAN CONTOH TEKS PIDATO ISRA MI RAJ dalam BAHASA INGGRIS.my sister,a STUDENT FROM UNIROW will also releases another example of PIDATO BAHASA INGGRIS will be available prior to request only. this is especially created for someone.less talk,here is the ENGLISH SPEECH ABOUT ISRA MI RAJ:

Excellency to our judicators.
Our beloved lectures and friends.
Assalammualikum Wr.Wb.
First of all, my thanks are due to the first place to almighty Allah. The lord and creator of the universe, who bless and give us opportunity to meet at this wonderful place.
Secondly, I would like to express my sincerest appreciation and gratitude to our prophet Muhammad, who guide us into the right path with “ISLAM” such a religion that bring in peace of the heart and establish great peace in the society at large.
Thirdly, my special thanks are sent out master of ceremony, who give opportunity to stand in front of you to deliver my speech under the title:
“Rassullah, the Guide of Moslems In The Universe”
Ladies and gentlemen, as a young generation, we are demanded to increase the development of this country. Nowadays, as we know morality people in this country is decreasing. It can be easily known from the rapidly number of corruptors, sexual violence at under age, robbery, kidnapped at kids and many others. And the most dangerously are these bad behaviour have been done by the well known people such as artist, people in the government, and many others. In other word, young generation have lost their public figure that can be guidance for them. This also would reflect badly on the life of their future.
Ladies and gentlemen, from the illustration above, we know that we need a figure that can change our morality. A figure that can influence our behaviour, from the bad man changed into nice and responsible man. And now the question is “who can be a perfect figure?”. The answer is quiet simple, Rasulullah SAW, the perfect figure that can guide us into the right path.
Ladies and gentlemen, if we are moslems, we believe in Allah as the One Creator and Mohammad is His last and final Messenger. Also, we believe in the Quran and Sunnah as the two main sources of Islam. There are, however, Muslim bunches who deviated from the right path of Islam such as: Shia, Sufi, , etc. So be cautious in knowing who you are dealing with but you have to know that the sects in Islam not like the sects in other religions.
or go back HOME

Moch Rifai
Moch Rifai

Seorang warga kota Tuban yang aktif memperkenalkan berbagai produk unggulan asli Indonesia.


Anonymous Monday, 12 July, 2010

ada bahasa indonesianya?

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