October 31, 2009

Konser dah mw dmulai tp artisnya msh blm hapal lagunya^_^

October 30, 2009

an Information board informs us the proggress of the tournamen.
 Hendik Biora A staff next the board looks familliar.

October 28, 2009

Lambang baru biora setelah mengikuti pergantian menuju universitas.
 NB: pendaftaran anggota baru BIORA 2009 segera dibuka.

Abdul Malik,(Malik Fals)
Artis yg satu ini adalah orang yg paling dicari di seantero Tuban.
 Merupakan kandidat cowok terseksi se-Tuban.

Satu-satunya warga biora yg serba bisa.bisa jd wasit,bisa jadi pmain teater.bisa maen futsal,bisa kabur(kadang2).poko'e the best.
Salah satu penghuni biora yg direkomendasikan mayoritas BIOERS.
Mulai 2005-skrg tlah menghuni biora.
Bertugas sbg wasit tuk trakhir kali.
Best friend.KKN UNIROW 2008 d gdungombo dalam 1 klmpk.
Met lulus pak malik.
Eh,insinyur malix.
U can add n' tracking drs. Abdul malik at facebook using his email at malix_fals@yahoo.co.id or just type malix_fals in search friend.

(Saat suasana santai)super senior biora sedang beristirahat.meski terkesan biasa,kinerja n' dedikasi mereka sangat luar biasa bahkan hingga saat ini.
Q hrp smua senior biora bs seperti mereka.
 Trims: Mbah Sony(brave n' fast), mr.Marco Van kaboel(standby n' smart), mas Wasis(great dedication n' help), pak Uman(wise n' sabar), mr. Gatoet Biora(fun n' motivator) and smua snior lain sperti: pacar'e mbak lulux(mas Anam),dll

They were so beatiful n' it's worth it to spent all the times with the great friends.
Anggota n' pengurus biora yg slalu siap memberi smangat n' motivasi.
Mereka termasuk generasi piooner yg turut memperjuangkan biora hingga smp saat ini.
We proud of u

Dedikasi tinggi n' luar biasa saat melaksanakan kegiatan.
We respect him.
Knangannya kan slalu trlihat saat q lihat markas biora.

Wonder who he is

Acara ini secara resmi di dukung oleh MOCHAMMAD RIFA’I dan Petinggi UNIROW
(pak mardi,pak Yudi)

turnamen futsal biora cup '08 diadakan di UNIROW yg diikuti oleh perwakilan tiap2 kelas

October 14, 2009

I still don't like to fill my profile with any information.the new admin probably will.

Welcöme .,
The english discussion will now begin.
Use it well sis,^_O

October 13, 2009

Ni c'heart pa mbakna?
Kirim jawaban scepatnya...
Q tunggu...

Stlah connect akan muncul jendela ktiga.
Select INQUIRY DEVICES and select yes and yes again or ok.
That's all.
Another tutorial using mobyExplorer and another BTHACK will be uploaded when i see it necessary,otherwise,u can always search it on the web

October 12, 2009

Press connect tuk lgsg memulai,ato setting u/ mengatur.
Tkan about u/ liat versi.
Software ini versi 1.5
Versi trstabil, 1.7 sgra q upload ato the latest/trbaru versi 1.8 (beta) jg kan q upload d laen wkt.

Setting yg mst dpilih prtama kali

to DOWNLOAD the software,go to your internal browser and type www.wappal.com/wap.php and enter the ID 352002
or download SOFTWARE BT disini
and enter ID 352002

this guide is especially used to 'MOD' , 'REPAIR' aka 'CHANGING' and 'REPLACING' any information on the other handset.
in the simple way this will guide you to take data and save it to your handset.got it...good..
if you still don't understand,it works like this:
qm bisa mengambil data, memanipulasi data, menyimpannya dan juga berguna untuk menghapus serta men-'mengatur' handset(hp) orang lain.

OK,before we start...
this is the requirement:
1. handset with java MIDP 2.0 (CLDC 1.1 or higher)
2. Handset with BLUETOOTH connection available
3. Software with local connection (through BT)

after checking the web,both of them (K550i and E70) able to handle it.

1. BT software. I'll upload SOON from PHONE
or, go to www.getjar.com,select your phone, and search "BLUETOOTH HACK"

1. jalankan program yang telah diinstall di HP.
2. muncul jendela pilihan bahasa. pilih ENGLISH
3. pilih CONNECT
5. tunggu hingga mendeteksi HP orang lain.
6. setelah itu pilih next ... next and done.

1. HP target harus ON bluetooth-nya
2. HP target harus memperbolehkan anda mengakses HP-nya melalui BT.
caranya, pinjam HP tersebut. masuk ke menu BLUETOOTH. pilih 'MY DEVICES'. aktifkan BT anda,pilih 'SEARCH' setelah BT anda terdeteksi,akan muncul nama BT anda di daftar 'MY DEVICES'.pilih 'OPTION' n' pilih 'TRUSTED' ato 'ALWAYS ALLOW CONNECTION'.....selesai.setiap BT tersebut aktif,HP anda sudah bisa dengan mudah mengendalikannya.



DOWNLOAD 'MOBY EXPLORER' as it is really useful for data transfer.
I'll tell U why but not for now.

(Not really well today, 'll complete it after I fell BETTER)

October 11, 2009

Knangan yg dah brlalu trasa sangat mnyakitkan seandainya qt ingin kembali ke masa itu,namun akan lebih menyakitkan lg seandaifacebookQnya knangan itu tak pernah terjadi.
Smua tergantung qt.
Menyesali yg tlah trjadi ato tidak mnyesali karena tak pernah ada yg terjadi.

Knangan ddpan markas BIORA.smua tu bukan tentang menyesali ato tdak,ttapi smua tu brawal dr adakah ksmpatan yg sama bagiq tuk mngajaknya dalam kseharianq.
Kini trasa berat bagiq.btapa q tak prnah mnyertainya pd stiap lgkah kakinya slama d kampus.andai wkt tu kmbali lg,q ingin slalu bs menggenggam tangannya n' slalu mngatakan "slalu da wkt tuk brsamamu". Skrg q hny bs merenung n' brharap q tak mngulangi hal yg sm tuk kdua kali.
"brsamamu q rasakan stiap dtik wktq trasa pnuh knangan"

'pnuh sesal,q kan slalu mngingatmu'

He knew if i was sick and get me a mizone.
If he gave it immediately,i would really appreciate it.
Did he drink it?
Better ask him by yourself:-P.

October 07, 2009

Do you own W508? Yeah, maybe not…
A month ago, I was really interested to get W508. I began searching in the web for the info and already read many reviews (yups, many of them show me the negative things, but that’s what a review for..? ^_^).
Never mind, I know you were not interested in my story, so I decided to buy a W508 (white-silver) and a W395 (hello kitty edition) from the local store a week ago.
I was really frustating when my beloved W830i got broken. Actually not really broken, it just the flexible that give me the problem. It works 100% but the display just white,sometimes it gray lol. I know about flashing and checking the phone filesystem.(GDFS was fine and SEMC looks good).i using this phone as my modem right now.
Well,enough about it,so we talk again about the W508.
First time I got this phone, I was really excited and after a week I decided to discover the ways to unleash it power.

We do that by mod the phone.
(yes, it is possible to backup and mod the phone)
Before I start, you may have these question:
1. can we backup the phonebook,sms….?
- you can do that by using PCSUITE or MyPhoneExplorer (google it ^_^)
2. can we backup the file system?
- to backup the entire filesystem is really difficult but it is possible and only available for ‘brown’(backup here mean you got the accoustic.camdriver,etc).
- non brown can backup using the combination of codeclaw-File Extractor and A2UPLOADER (googling it)
- you can always convert your RED to BROWN.
3. what I can get by backup those file?
- you wanna mod it right? Use it to start mod your own phone.
- use it to revert your phone to the original condition
- those file is different coz it originally come from your handset and not from GENERIC FS.
4. what to mod and what I can get ?
- you can change accostic to get better sound.
- mod the camdriver to gain more benefit from your camera
- instal FLASH theme
5. how can I do that?
- it’s hard to explain it to you as I’m not an expert in it. To be honest, I just know nothing about it but I’ll share what I got.
6. so, how to…..
a. get necessary tools,what it used for ?
b get CodeClawFileExtractor and A2UPLOADER?
c. backup file ?
d. restore file ?
e. change accoustic ?
f. change camdriver ?
g. change other file ?

I assume you get the cable in the box
a. the necessary file to get are:
1. codeclaw fileExtractor. download DISINI credit goes to them
2. A2UPLOADER (gordongate included) ** download DISINI or google it thanks to ‘the_laser’
3. codeclaw WBXML EDITOR (optional) – get it from codeclaw website.
4. Codeclaw SWF info, themeCreator,….got it from the forum over the net.

This tutorial is only usable for RED version as Brown has already so many tutorial over the net.
1. backup the file system to get accoustic,camdriver,….
a. run codeclaw file extractor click ‘shortcut’ select file to backup and click ‘add’
b. do again to the file you want.
c. After finish,select ‘file’ – ‘save’ and save the file.(remember the file. ex, w508.bin)
d. Shutdown W508
e. Run A2Uploader press ‘…’ in MISC files,point to your last saved file(W508.bin),select it and click ‘FLASH’
f. wait until ‘hold c and insert usb cable’
g. Press ‘C’ on phone and connect it.
h. The phone will initializing and wait until it finish.
i. Unplug your phone
j. Restart your phone and the file you want will be in folder ‘CODECLAW’ in your phone. COPY it to your computer.(it save to delete it after you coies the file).
k. Done

I have very low internet speed and cannot explain with picture, you can get more explanation by surfing to SE-USER, TOPSONY, SE-NSE,ESATO and other sony ericson forum. (credit goes to them). Forgive my bad english as I’m INDONESIAN (my english really terrible).
I just wanna share with you. I have original W508 files. If any modder around the world need it, I’ll gladly give you the files.
- How about mod the accoustic driver….? You can read in the forum as I had less time,if I had time, I’ll share with you (just the basic lol,I know nothing about it). Believe me it easy if you understand but if you wanna get an advanced accoustic, the accoustic moder will give it to you.
- the camdriver…? Well, to be honest, I know nothing ‘bout it.really…maybe brazuka will mod it for you someday(hi.. brazuka^_^).

Almost forgot, this is used to upload file to phone (in an easy way):
1. run A2uploader.shutdown phone
2. press ‘filesystemtool’ wait until press ‘C’
3. plug the phone
4. browse the file and ‘drag and drop’ the file from windows explorer to your A2Uploader window.
5. press ‘shutdown ….’ In the bottom after you done.
6. unplug phone,restart it and finish.
Use that to upload flash file for theme and anything you want to upload to your phone.
For ‘directories list’ find in the forum or you can write it by yourself.
Usefut to use with Codeclaw to get the file from phone.
To get the directories along with ‘what file in it’,is the same as above, just write what file in what directories and write in notepad.you just need to BROWSE all DIRECTORIES and WRITE all the filename+extension of the file to the notepad.
(not all file you can get,figure it out by yourself as it wouldn’t hurt your phone ^_^)
last, thanks to all the sonyericson forum all over the net. To all modders and especially for the_laser,codeclaw team (joacim petterson), brother ‘JIGONX’,‘SUPERBONTO’ and everyone with the great tutorial in the net.
This tutorial is far from the complete and hope it useful.
Get fully explained tutorial in the forum.(will provide you with the link but you can get it by yourself-google is your friend).

Indonesia JAYA.
(i'll update it next time but who knows...maybe you already know everything^_^)
(original files will be uploaded once i get my connection steady,it's unstable here.jangan lupa tuk selalu backup file sebelum me-replace dengan file baru.trims)