That is a comment in UNIROW - UNIVERSITAS PGRI RONGGOLAWE TUBAN and impression in letter sent to my inbox that was written by one of my visitor who searching for information about Unirow and willing to Register this year but cancelled the plan because there are no sufficient information about Unirow. the comment was modified so everyone would understand the words. the untouched comment was available in the link above. the visitor ask about Website Resmi Unirow that had less information than it should be. the comment also critics so many Unirow student that are busy with blogging al the time without no intention to write about Unirow, at least, Unirow Official Site should be updated. well, as a Unirow Student, We didn’t have sufficient privileges to alter or write in Unirow Official Site. in Indonesian Words, it look like this:
Website Resmi Unirow diurus oleh pengurus Unirow jadi mahasiswa Unirow tidak diberi wewenang untuk mengelola Website Resmi Unirow. artinya, Website resmi Unirow tidak diserahkan pengelolaannya pada mahasiswa. dengan melihat hal ini, bisa diketahui kalau aktif tidaknya Website resmi Unirow sangat tergantung pada pengelola situs tersebut yang dalam hal ini adalah pengurus Unirow. ada tidaknya informasi yang seharusnya ada di situs tersebut bukan tanggung jawab mahasiswa Unirow seperti, namun merupakan tanggung jawab pengelola situs dan juga pihak Unirow. merupakan blog Online yang membantu penyebaran Informasi tentang Unirow. dalam berbagai kesempatan saya telah banyak menyebarkan Informasi tentang Unirow ke berbagai media online Social Networking seperti Facebook, Twitter, Friendster dan juga media Forum online. social media Artikel juga tak luput dari propaganda penyebaran Informasi tentang Unirow yang saya lakukan. semua saya lakukan sebagai bentuk terima kasih terhadap UNIROW dan bukan pada orang-orang Unirow.
Website resmi Unirow or in English I prefer call it as Unirow Official site was being down for so many periods and that made me volunteered this blog to introduce Unirow to the whole world. then, few months ago I saw Unirow Official Site or Website resmi Unirow was online and thus I think the responsibility to spread the information regarding Unirow back to the Website Resmi Unirow or Unirow Official site. please understand as the site was still under developed, there might be delays in information. tough, the Development take years to finish. don’t ask me why opening it was so heavy, like open tons of sites in just a site. well, the site only think the skins was the important things and thus placed super duper heavy flash file with high resolution which mean the site will slowing us down. not the smart move but I like how the site want to give the good first impression. not really smart moves for SEO things. but I like the idea.
for anyone searching the Information regarding Unirow, the site was open for you but if you want ANY information related to Unirow, you could contact me anytime and I would try not to let you down. Information is the power. doing this for free and therefore I would deliver the information when I think I want to do it and when I feel I want to do that. Unirow Official site should be Partnered with so many sites in order to build the great and strong relationship. it didn’t really hard to do right? was Off for now. Unirow Official site is Website Resmi Unirow that is written by Arick Unirow. a student from Unirow, a webmaster of which cover Personal News and Information to the whole World.
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