DASIYEM was one of the citizens of our beloved TUBAN this will most likely be hailed as Indonesia's oldest citizen of the Republic of Indonesia.
Residents Dasiyem Tuban has been married six times and has six children. all her husband had died including his last husband who died 10 years ago.
Dasiyem is familiarly called canggah dasiyem has lived for four generations and even four children have died of old age and the youngest child is now 86 years old.
There has been no official response from the City Fortification about it ..
as well as the definitive answer why Dasiyem able to live up to this time without the often sickly like an old man his age. her memory is still strong
a great-close relatives named RASMADI said if Dasiyem often be seen praying at sunset but did not say what the contents Rasmadi do'anya them.
that looks amazing is a phenomenon if Dasiyem will look younger and younger as of the date get older she get older too said Rasmadi
Feel free to send write your comment. don't laugh at me because it is my 'CAT' who write this.
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