June 13, 2010

Stop Hacking Facebook

STOP Hacking Facebook. we love Facebook and no need to hack it anymore.
the article was removed due to the so many people who hacking facebook for fun.
as the article was already deleted, there is no need for you to hack it anymore.
Stop Hacking Facebook as hacking Facebook will only result into bad things.
Stop Hacking Facebook as it will lead in to the mass banned account for no reason.
Stop hacking Facebook because you don't want other to hack your account.
Stop hacking facebook as it will make you lost your friends.
stop hacking facebook as it will make you looks like a bad person.
let's life in peace.
Stop Hacking Facebook now.

Moch Rifai
Moch Rifai

Seorang warga kota Tuban yang aktif memperkenalkan berbagai produk unggulan asli Indonesia.



cocok banget. facebookq baru kena hack kmarin

hondamotortuban Monday, 14 June, 2010


ariana-unirow Monday, 05 July, 2010

Maturusuwun atas infonya boz,...
langsung meluncur ke TKP.hehehe...

Anonymous Friday, 27 August, 2010

Mau hack facebook, yahoo, hotmail, aol dll

baca tutorial di bawah ini :


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