The Cheapest VCC used for PayPal verification process is now available REMOVED FOR NOW. I have used their service and their service was awesome. at the first time, one of my fellow webmaster at Adsense-Id forum send me a suggestion to try get the VCC from a merchant from the forum. as this is the first time for me trying to verify my PayPal account, I ask a lots of question to the merchant. I communicate with them by using email several time and have a chat before sending the payment.
the cost used to get the VCC was Removed temporary and when I have my payment done, the merchant send me a the required things to get my VCC verified. in the next few days, I got my PayPal account Verified after entering four digit code supplied by the merchant. Well, i never think it would be that easier to verify my PayPal account but hey, IT IS SO EASY TO VERIFY MY PAYPAL ACCOUNT. thanks for the merchant from Removed for now
I would not describe on how to make a PayPal account as I believe all of you have been understand on how to get a PayPal account. just go to PayPal website, register for an account and voila, you get your account. but it is a unverified account. you can get payment by using this PayPal account and also able to send or paid someone using the account you have been created. due to unverified account, you will be able to send and receive money no more than $100. this is bad. yes i know that and that is why we need to verify the PayPal account using VCC.
why using VCC? well, by using VCC you have no need to worry about your card security. as VCC is different from real Credit card, VCC can be used as the better option than using real Credit Card. to be honest, I have no credit Card at this moment. I have ordered a MasterCard from Payoneer as my Infolinks’s payment but it will arrive in a month later. so i will stick with VCC for now. beside, who want to use a real Credit Card if a VCC could be better option.
The hardest part to get the PayPal account verified is getting the VCC from the trusted merchant. I began posting about my willing on how to get my PayPal verified. I wrote it at this site and hope a someone would read it. while I’m trying to get the other option to get my PayPal account verified by using a MasterCard from payoneer, my fellow webmaster who used to be my old friends in foreign forum at webmaster central who is also a member of Adsense-ID forum sent me an email stated he found a new credible merchant at Adsense-Id forum. Hmm, it looks like I have been forgot my login ID and password in Adsense-Id. man, it is a shame that i tend to forget all my account in so many forum. my fellow webmaster and me was a veteran member but because of my decision to deactivate my old email address, I lost my ID. yeah, I know it is my foul and to import all the message to the new address at why I didn’t import it? man, who wanna import more than thirty millions of mail? it is pain in the a$x. by deactivating it I know I could have severe problems but who care, think it as I got a new life by using new address.
back to the topic, I have hard time believe in someone and this made me really selective in doing some business with others. my fellow webmaster convince me many times and then I decided to make a deal and the service is not that bad. I could tell you if the service is awesome. please take a note if this is my own experience and I have no affiliate with the merchant from Removed Temporary. this is just my promise to write down my experience when I have verified my PayPal account. if you could read my previous post about VCC, you would be able to read if I would also going to place links in my sites as well. congratulation to Removed Temporary, you have my gratitude. especially for Removed Temporary aka Removed Temporary. thanks for helping me :).
Update: it is REMOVED FOR NOW as it will only Removed Temporary due to some maintenance purposes.
Vcc murah meriah semakin murah. Vcc murah sangat sulit didapat. Cheap vcc is not free vcc. At least it is not the cheapest vcc
any idea on what is vcc murah? I never heard of it.
Do you know where to buy cheapest vcc?
Vcc murah is easily buyable at affordable prices. There are so many merchants. The bad news is, they don't speak english,so you should ask 'dimana saya bisa membeli vcc murah?' just like that. By the way,don't put your trust on any merchants.they tend to sucks sometimes.
vcc murah adalah vcc yang paling banyak dicari akhir-akhir ini.
Sayangnya vcc murah tidaklah semurah dan semudah yang dibayangkan.
Melihat daftar harga vcc murah saja sudah membuat bingung.lebih baik cari vcc gratis saja daripada vcc murah.
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