July 20, 2010

create blogger sitemap generator webmaster tools - sitemap Luarbiasa heboh dan terbaik untuk blogspot

how to create and submit blogger sitemap to Google? to submit blogger sitemap,we need to access the WEBMASTER Tools. don't know on how to access webmaster tools? click here for the tutorial.
CREATE and SUBMIT GOOGLE SITEMAP to Google is very easy.
  1. go to Google webmaster tools. (masuk ke WEBMASTER TOOLS)google webmaster tools
  2. select the site which need to submit the sitemap to Google.(pilih salah satu blog) in this tutorial, I will select www.arick.net. submit sitemap(DASHBOARD Menu will appear)dashboard menu
  3. select SITE CONFIGURATION site configurationand SITEMAP.
  4. in SITEMAPS, click the SUBMIT THE SITEMAP.sitemap
  5. it is now the time. you can write your own sitemap. if you have BLOGSPOT BLOGGER, it usually YOUR URL/feeds/posts/default other site maybe URL/?feed=rss2. mine is http://www.arick.net/feeds/posts/default.(masukkan sitemap)arick sitemap
  6. Done - selesai.
There are several kinds of sitemap in BlogSpot blogger. I have tried many combination and this is surely based on my own experiences.(macam-macam sitemap terbaik untuk Blogger BlogSpot berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi):
  • feeds/posts/default   =>Simple RSS/RSS sederhana (default). maximum index 26 (in webmaster tools).listed as UNKNOWN. it works fine.use it if you have trouble with sitemap or if this is the first time you make the sitemap.
  • feeds/posts/default?alt=rss => RSS which forks fine for many devices such as mobile phones. sometimes, it i called as MRSS. use this and Google might index your site better. generally i always use this kind of rss as the default for me. (maximum index 26 - listed as MRSS)
  • feeds/posts/default?max-results=9999&amp => well,this RSS is the best in the universe. all blogger which use this surely will know why. many bloggers use other technique and failed. a month ago i was searching for the script to create sitemap. so many webmaster told me to use feeds/posts/default?max-results=9999. and the result is always buggy (based in my testing ground.:-P). then i realize it will works like a charm when i added &amp in the end. and it works.
here is the sample of my sitemaps. you can do the same like me or try the new formula.
sitemap heboh
I only have no more than 110 post but Google index 135 pages. how comes. it is easy,... by using all the combination of them, Google will index all the pages, even when someone makes a comments,it will be considered as a single pages and got crawled. i have been prove it using my own website.
believe it or not, I call this the BEST INVENTION this MONTH.
if you found out this is useful, you can post it in your blog, but give me the credit. thanks.
Selesai sudah percobaan sitemapku. atas bantuan dan percobaan para master di forum sebelah, akhirnya sitemap ini tercipta. posting ini tercipta untuk semua blogger di tanah air. HIDUP BLOGGER.
got any opinion or question? ask me.
There is a secret in submitting sitemap,I'm not supposed to write it here as the technique is still unconfirmed.masih ada satu rahasia sitemap, suatu saat dibahas kalo dah selesai di tes.

Moch Rifai
Moch Rifai

Seorang warga kota Tuban yang aktif memperkenalkan berbagai produk unggulan asli Indonesia.


Lukito Tuesday, 20 July, 2010


arick.net Wednesday, 21 July, 2010

@bang lukito: matursuwun atas kunjungannya bang. hehehe..

arick.net Wednesday, 21 July, 2010

ujicoba kedua gagal. :-P

Perikanan UNIROW tuban Thursday, 22 July, 2010

wah2 di tinggal aq iki piye?

arick.net Friday, 23 July, 2010

sudah balik online lagi di Facebook.

arick.net Friday, 30 July, 2010

komentar dihapus atas permintaan orangnya.

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