July 26, 2010

Schedule in UNIROW

the SCHEDULE for UNIROW is suspended due to my full activity in the forum. my UNIROW Schedule will be running smooth when i have figured it out on how to overcome my college notes.
by the way, i do promise my friends to write an article about communications. this is the article especially written by me. (expect some human error as my English is terrible). due to many people search for UNIROW and LOGO UNIROW, I will be offline in two days.
Improving Communication in UNIROW
As a social people in social community, communication is a crucial things to interact and connecting with other people. sometimes, communication is a big problem when it comes to speak with a someone in our live. an example is, sometimes we have really hard times to speak with a someone we really love. this article will help you to improve communication while keep it smooth and still with the proper manner in Indonesian custom.
Why we need to improve the communication skill?
Imagine this, you are lost in the jungle while there are lots of people have the same problem with you. suddenly there are other people passing in the jungle. You were still quiet and the others speak and ask with the people whom passing the jungle. other people were saved because they were speak with other people while you were still lost in the jungle and struggling to get out from it but failed because you refuse to speak and communicate with others.
I know, the example above is really bad, I knew that. the point is, We have to communicate in order to interact with other people and share our feelings.
To improve the communications, we have  to understand other people. other will not pleasure with us if we cannot understand what they say and what they want. it not only means we have to understand their language but also the topic it talked. try to understand the other people and naturally, you will understand on how to make a good communications.
make sure to speak clear and calm. we have to understand what we want to say and told them. we have to explain our points clearly and make the other people who listen to clearly understands. just remember to use the proper language.
next, we have to listen them. don't just speak, we have to listen them in order to make a good communications. try to make them as a subject and object. we should understand what they said and try to understand what they said.
the next important thing to memorize is, we have to make a decision based in the situations and learn from the experiences.
as usual, this article is Owned by http://arick.net

Moch Rifai
Moch Rifai

Seorang warga kota Tuban yang aktif memperkenalkan berbagai produk unggulan asli Indonesia.

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